Early access

Thank you for backing our Kickstarter! As promised, you get to view the documentary videos before anyone else. We hope you enjoy them!

Barron Cuadro

Writer. Style Entrepreneur. Blogger.

Courtney Slazinik

Teacher. Photographer. Wife. Mom. Blogger.

Chad Collins

LEGO® Enthusiast. Family Man. Entrepreneur. Vlogger.

Asad Chaudhry

Magician. Entrepreneur. Teacher. YouTuber. Vlogger.

Krista Stryker

Athlete. Adventure Seeker. Writer. Entrepreneur. Blogger.

Dave Stuart Jr.

Teacher. Husband. Father. Writer. Speaker. Blogger.

Sarah Morgan

Online Business Owner. Circus Performer. Teacher. Blogger.

Mique Provost

Wife. Special Needs Mom. Creative Entrepreneur. Blogger.

Fantasy Footballers

Podcasters. Sports Fans. Marketers. Entertainers. Bloggers.

To all of the backers of our rst-ever Kickstarter project: thank you! We want to especially call out and thank those backers that donated $500 or more:

Adobe Creative Cloud
Andrew Morgan
BJ Wright
Jevonnah Ellison
Lisa Cressman
Matthew Gartland
Nicole Walters
Pat Flynn
Paul Zanetti
Peter Hulce
Tony Rulli

Thank you for making this project possible with such generous support.